
Construimos hogares que llevan la arquitectura residencial a su máxima expresión.

Apostamos por el diseño, la calidad y el equipamiento comunitario para alcanzar nuestro objetivo principal: la felicidad de nuestros clientes

We develop, manage and invest in real estate assets in Spain and Portugal


Kronos Real Estate Group is an Iberian developer, asset manager and investor. We focus on development through our recognized brands (i) Kronos Homes, (residential build to sell), (ii) STAY (residential build to rent),  and (iii) WAY (retail parks).

We are led by a management team with an extensive track record in the sector, that has executed over €18.000 millions in real estate transactions and 100,000 units under management.


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Kronos Homes builds homes that take residential architecture to its highest potential.

We are committed to design and quality to improve the communities in which we invest.



Stay is one of the first Spanish platforms dedicated to residential build to rent focused on the tenant.

We offer a unique experience with premium services focused on wellness, technology and sustainability.

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Way creates retail parks with the highest standards of quality, design and innovation.

We are committed to develop assets that improve the quality of life and  services offered in our urban areas.

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We build homes that take residential architecture to its maximum potential.

We are committed to design, quality and community empowerment to achieve our main objective: happy customers.


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We are one of the first Spanish platforms dedicated to residential Build to Rent focused on the tenant.

We offer a unique experience with premium services related to wellness, technology and sustainability.


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We create commercial and leisure spaces with the highest standards of quality, design, innovation and originality.

With one space at full capacity and two more under development, we are committed to building assets that improve the range of services offered in our urban areas.